Interviews and Talks

Interviews and Talks

Am 9. Oktober 2023 war ich bei der Sendereihe Zeit-Raum von Johannes Kaup zu Gast und habe mit ihm über KI, Digitalisierung und Gesellschaft gesprochen.


Was von der Pandemie bleibt - Wie sehr hat Corona die Gesellschaft tatsächlich verändert? - in German.

Armin Nassehi Ayad Al-Ani Christopher Frauenberger Ulrich Broeckling


In this radio interview for "Radio Doktor" (Ö1), I talk about Active Assistive Living


I was invited to give the introductory keynote at the Virtual DevDay 20 on the societal and environmental responsibilities of creating digital technologies.


I was interviews for national radio Ö1. In its Matrix series, I speak to Sarah Kriesche about the first insights we have from living digital in an pandemic - in German.


Im Rahmen des 46. Netpolitischen Abends habe ich mit Jacqueline Klusik-Eckert (FAU Erlangen),Klaus Illmayer (ÖAW – ACDH-CH, Wien) und Eveline Wandl-Vogt (Ars Electronica Research Institute k4h, Linz / ÖAW – ACDH-CH, Wien) über Digitalen Humanismus debattiert


After a keynote I gave at the 3rd IoT Congress of Austrian Standards, I was interviewed by national radio Ö1 for its series "Digital Leben". In tune with the rather critical perspectives I offered in the keynote, the title was "Smarter Kühlschrank, geh offline!" (smart fridge, disconnect!) - in German.


I gave a keynote on "Smarteverything & Us" at the 3. IoT Congress, hosted by Austrian Standards, followed by a panel discussion on the question about how IoT will change the world and which roles standardisation might have in these changes. (Foto by Peter Tuma)
