Timespan | |
2024- | Founding Professor at the Interdisciplinalry Transformation University, IT:U |
2020-24 | Full Professor at the Center for HCI, Paris-Lodron University of Salzburg |
2019-23 | Senior Researcher at COSY - Cooperative Systems, University of Vienna |
2019-20 | Guest Professor at the Department of Business Development and Technology Aarhus University |
2014-20 | Senior Researcher, Institute of Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology, Human-Computer Interaction Group, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria |
2011-15 | Visiting Research Fellow, Human Centred Technology Group, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK |
2008-11 | Postdoctoral Fellow, Human Centred Technology Group, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK. |
2008 | Research Assistant, Cognitive Science Group, Queen Mary, University of London. Augmented Human Interaction Laboratory |
2005-07 | Research Assistant, Signal Processing and Speech Communication Lab, Graz University of Technology, Austria. |
2003-04 | Research Assistant, Institute for Electronic Music and Acoustics, University of dramatic Arts and Music, Graz, Austria. |
Timespan | |
2019 | Venia Docendi (Habilitation) in Computer Science, TU Wien. Title: “Rethinking Assistive Technologies with Autistic Children” |
2009 | Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science, Queen Mary, University of London Interaction Media Communication Group, Department for Computer Science. Title: “Auditory Display Design - An Investigation of a Design Pattern Approach” Supervisors: Dr Tony Stockman, Dr Marie-Luce Bourguet Examiners: Prof Jan Borchers (RWTH Aachen), Dr Paul Vickers (Northumbria University) |
2003 | Master of Science (Dipl.-Ing.), Graz University of Technology, Austria Telematics (Computer Science and Electrical Engineering) Thesis: “3D audio interfaces for the blind” Supervisor: Prof Gernot Kubin Crazy Ideas Award for research projects |
Timespan | |
2022-27 | doc.hci - Doctoral College, Designing Meaningful Human-Technology Relations. Co-Principle Investigator, PLUS together with FH Salzburg, funded by FWF (Austrian Science Fund - DFH-12 - €1.5M) |
2022-27 | Caring Robots // Robotic Care - Re-thinking the role of robots in care. Co-Principle Investigator, funded by FWF (Austrian Science Fund - CM100 - €1M overall budget, €250k at PLUS) |
2021-24 | Diversity Computing Spaces - Designing meaningful interactions for diverse groups of children and young adults in informal educational settings. Principle Investigator, funded by FWF (Austrian Science Fund - P 34226 - €512k) |
2018-19 | COMPASS - Cooperative Design Spaces for Next Generation Internet-of-Things Solutions, Co-Investigator FFG (ICT for the future - 867550 - €253k overall budget, €65k at TU Wien) |
2017-20 | Social Play Technologies for Autistic Children. Principle Investigator FWF (Austrian Science Fund - P29970-N31 - €401k) |
2016-19 | WAALTeR - AAL test region Vienna, 86 homes outfitted with Active Assistive Living (AAL) Technology for the elderly. Co-Investigator, FFG / bmvit (Benefit Program number 856179 - 15 partners - €1922k overall budget, €84k at TU Wien) |
2014-17 | OutsideTheBox - Rethinking Assistive Technologies with Children with Autism. Principle Investigator, FWF (Austrian Science Fund - P26281-N23 - €448k) |
2005-08 | Departmental PhD Scholarship. Queen Mary, University of London (3 years fees + living allowance) |
2002-03 | 3D Interfaces for the Blind (funded Master Thesis). BFI (Berufsförderungsinstitut - €8720) |
Editor | Associate Editor for International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction (Elsevier, since 2016) |
Editorial Board Member TACCESS - ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (ACM, since 2018) | |
Boards | Member of the PDC Advisory Board (Participatory Design Conference, since 2016) |
Member of the ACM SIGCHI Ethics Advisory Board (since 2016) | |
Board of ICAD (International Community for Auditory Displays) (2006 - 2012) | |
Expert roles | Grant reviewer National Science Foundation (NSF) |
European Research Council (Reviewer for Consolidator Grants) | |
Committee | Exploratory Paper Chair PDC'22 (Participatory Design Conference) |
Work-in-Progress Chair TEI’21 (Tangible and Embodied Interaction Conference) | |
Conversations Chair PDC’20 (Participatory Design Conference) | |
Doctoral Consortium Chair ACM IDC’19 (Interaction Design and Children) | |
Associate Chair for Full Papers DIS 2018 (ACM Designing Interactive Interfaces) | |
Programme Committee for the 20th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility ASSETS 2018 | |
Design and Research Competition Chair IDC 2018 (Interaction Design and Children) | |
Associate Chair for Full Papers (Understanding People Subcommittee) at CHI 2018 (ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems) | |
Technical Program and Publication Chair IDC 2017 (Interaction Design and Children), Stanford USA | |
Workshop Co-Chair at CHI 2017 (ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems) | |
Journal reviewing | |
TOCHI: Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (ACM) | |
IwC: Interacting with Computing (Oxford) | |
IJHCS: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (Elsevier) | |
IJCCI: International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction (Elsevier) | |
IMWUT: Proceedings of ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies | |
CoDesign: International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts (Taylor & Francis) | |
Presence (MIT Press Journals) | |
IJD: International Journal of Design | |
IxD&A: Interaction Design and Architecture | |
Conference reviewing | |
CHI: ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems | |
PDC: Participatory Design Conference | |
IDC: International Conference on Interaction Design and Children | |
CC: ACM Conference on Creativity & Cognition | |
CSCW: ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work | |
DIS: Designing Interactive Systems | |
Interact: Conference on Human-Computer Interaction | |
British HCI: Conference on Human-Computer Interaction by the British Computer Society | |
ICAD: International Conference on Auditory Display | |
SMC: Sound and Music Computing Conference |