

Christopher Frauenberger

I am Professor for HCI at the division of Human-Computer Interaction at the faculty of Artificial Intelligence and Human Interfaces, University of Salzburg interested in humans and digital technologies. In particular, I use participatory design approaches to create meaningful, technological futures for diverse people in real world contexts. For example, I have worked with autistic children in schools (e.g. SocialPlayTechnologies) or older adults in their smart homes (e.g. WAALTeR).

Increasingly, I am interested in the philosphical and theoretical foundations of understanding, designing and configuring the relationships humans have with digital technology. I am inspired by posthumanism (Barad, Ihde, Latour...) and as one of my central intellectual projects, I aim to develop and explore a relational and performative perspective on designing technology (see Entanglement HCI). Relatedly, I am a founding member of the PANDORA philosophy circle, discussing books around the homo digitalis.

My main disciplinary fields are Human-Computer Interaction (e.g., CHI/DIS), Interaction Design and Children (e.g., IDC, Associate Editor of the International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction), Participatory Design (e.g., PDC, former member of the PDC Advisory Board), and Ethics (e.g., member of the ACM SIGCHI Ethics board), but I also venture into assistive technologies (e.g., ASSETS), disability studies, philosophy, social sciences, design research, ubiquitous computing, active-assistive living amongst others.

As a father of two I am sleep deprived, but typically well behaved. I cycle, cook, climb and take coffee a little too seriously.